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News Archive
2018/2019 School Year
18th Apr 2019
Mr Murphy’s P3’s ran a competition over Lent to see who could guess...
10th Apr 2019
As part of our 'Operation' topic, Primary 6 had a visit from Dr John McCabe who...
9th Apr 2019
Please find a link to a new and improved Family Support website. The website is...
29th Mar 2019
Our Primary 3 had a great time today playing the African drums.
Have a listen...
27th Mar 2019
Primary 6 loved 'blinging ' their bikes for our 'Big Pedal Day'. We had great fun...
22nd Mar 2019
Primary Six have started their new topic; Operation! They have enjoyed researching...
- All
- Miss Cassidy
- Miss Cooke
- Miss Doherty
- Miss Donnelly
- Miss Duggan
- Miss McElroy
- Miss Moffat
- Miss O'Boyle
- Miss Stinton
- Mr Lavery
- Mr McGinley
- Mrs Carlin
- Mrs Clarkin
- Mrs Hamilton
- Mrs Houston
- Mrs Kearney
- Mrs McCallion
- Mrs McElhone
- Mrs McErlean
- Mrs McGarry
- Mrs McGuinness
- Mrs McNally
- Mrs McNeice
- Mrs McNeill
- Mrs Millar/Mrs McKee
- Mrs Mulholland
- Mrs O'Hagan
- Mrs Purvis
- Online Learning
- P1 Mrs McErlean
- The Orchard 2
St Joseph's Primary School, 54 Greystone Road, Antrim BT41 1JZ | Phone: 028 9446 2076