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St. Josephs Primary School, Antrim

News Archive

2019/2020 School Year

19th May 2020
Week 9 Learning activities – 2 Day week Deadline for Virtual Sports Day...
15th May 2020
Good Morning Everyone, Next Friday 29th May, we were due to have our annual Sports...
15th May 2020
Hi Everyone,  We are now onto Week 8 of our learning at home. As always,...
15th May 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,  See attached the plan and documents for Week 8. Additional...
15th May 2020
Dear All,  We are now beginning week 8 of our 'Home Learning'. See attached...
15th May 2020
Week 8 Learning activities Spellings – clean, weep, sheep, speak, feed...
14th May 2020
My last week setting work for you, my lovely class, as I will now be going on maternity...