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St. Josephs Primary School, Antrim

P1 Home Learning Week Beginning 6th of April

3rd Apr 2020

Week 3 Commencing 6th of April 2020

All of the Primary One Team would like to thank you for your continued support and we wish you a very happy, Holy and peaceful Easter!

Take Care and Stay Safe

Mrs Clarkin, Mrs Mc Erlean and Mrs Mc Neice


Phonics: Introduce ‘qu’ and ‘ou’ using the activities suggested in week one. Complete the activities allocated on Education City (Queens’s Quiz and Mouse in the House).

High Frequency Words: ‘they’ and ‘you’ (practice making these words using playdough or shaving foam. See page website week one for more practical ideas).

Reading: See Guided Reading books allocated through SeeSaw.

Handwriting: ‘u’

Additional activities to support this week’s literacy will be allocated on SeeSaw.


Mental Maths: Counting forwards and backwards to 15.

Adding: Keep practicing adding while your child is playing. Play a simple dice game using one or two dice and 2 different sets of toys (teddies/barbies/lego/dinosaurs).

Instructions: Roll a dice. Make a set with toys to match your number. Roll dice again and make corresponding set. Put the two sets together and touch count how many altogether to find the answer. (If you don’t have any dice at home write numbers 1-6 or 1-10 on individual pieces of paper, put them in a bowl and instead of rolling a number with the dice, select a piece of paper each time.)

Games like snakes and ladders, ludo and hopscotch (if you have outside space and some chalk) are also good for counting and number recognition.

Complete the numeracy workbook page and activity allocated to you on SeeSaw.

Time: Talk about what happens at the beginning, middle and end of your day and practice putting events in order. Children can draw pictures to match each time of the day in their numeracy books.

Grow in Love

Love Use the following videos to talk about the Easter Story with your child:,,

Create a piece of Easter or Spring artwork with our child.