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P6 information for school closure
Dear all,
As you all know, school is closed due to Covid 19. As a result, children are expected to complete daily home learning tasks which will be provided on a weekly basis. A table outlining Literacy, Numeracy. World Around Us and other tasks will be issued to all parents with activities being posted on Class Seesaw pages. Children should also learn their weekly spellings and mental maths and parents can test them on these on a Friday as usual. Learning concepts/activities and games have been set on Education City (see Seesaw for login details). This is a really useful and interactive site which will explain the learning for some of the lessons. Additional booklets are available for Numeracy and Literacy revision on the p6 section of this website. Other useful learning websites are as follows;
๐My Maths- to revise concepts.
๐Accelerated reader can be used Monday-Friday between 9am and 3pm using the following link;
๐๐Oxford Owl- selection of Guided Reading books and activities.
Password: primary6
๐Topmarks literacy and numeracy games e.g hit the button, daily 10 etc.
๐BBC Bitesize to revise key topics and concepts in Literacy, Numeracy and our ‘Human Body’ topic.
๐Times Tables Rockstars-username and password at back of child’s diary
๐ www.scholastic.com/learnathome which provides 20 days of learningwith free online learning including articles, stories, videos and fun learning challenges.
๐ Parents can also sign up to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS for one months unlimited free trial. On this website, there are unlimited resources in all subject areas including PowerPoints, worksheets and activities. This is a brilliant resource!
If you’re a parent and want access to The Transfer Tutor App with 50% discount, making it only £25 for full access until the AQE / GL test is over (whenever that turns out to be), send your details and pay directly here: ๐
Keep in contact with us via Seesaw! We will send a list of topics that were to be covered! We hope everyone remains safe and healthy.
Thanks for your continued support,
Miss Doherty and Mr Murphy
St Joseph's Primary School, 54 Greystone Road, Antrim BT41 1JZ | Phone: 028 9446 2076