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St. Josephs Primary School, Antrim

Miss Doherty P6 Week 2 Home Learning Resources

24th Mar 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

Please see attached resources which you should use in Week 2. You should be in the swing of Home Learning now and probably have your own routine established. Activities are grouped and labelled accordingly for each task. Your child knows what literacy and numeracy group they are in; 

Literacy-Purple, Orange or Yellow

Numeracy- Triangles, Rectangles or Circles 

Everyone should complete the World Around Us/Art/PE tasks and homework activities. 

Sample timetable; 

Monday- Comprehension, Number lesson, World Around Us 

Tuesday- Spelling activity, Number lesson, Art

Wednesday- Writing lesson, Numeracy topic, PE

Thursday- Journal Writing, Numeracy topic, Religion

Friday- Friday Spelling/Maths Test, reading-AR tests. 

*Guided Reading- Oxford Owls/ Accelerated Reading- Reading group books have been issued to your child on Seesaw to be read with an adult. Continue with AR independently. 

*Times Tables Rockstars/Numbots

*Education City- username and login in pack. Activities have been set for Literacy, Numeracy and our topic 'The Human Body'. Additional revision activities can be found in the 'Subject' section. 

This is only a sample format that you may wish to use. There are additional Literacy and Numeracy revision booklets on the Primary 6 web-page if you need them. Don't forget to have fun! 

Miss Doherty :-)